If you enable automatic spelling checking, in some office programs you can right-click a word that you typically misspell and add it directly to the AutoCorrect list. 如果启用自动拼写检查功能,则您可以在一些office程序中右键单击经常出现拼写错误的单词,并将其直接添加到自动更正列表。
This will enable a more comprehensive understanding of the role of context and word frequency in incidental vocabulary learning. 这项研究将有助于更全面地认识上下文和词汇频率在词汇附带习得中的作用。
The analysis and study of their colors will enable us to comprehend word meanings more completely and more thoroughly. 通过对词义色彩的分析研究,可以使我们更全面深入地理解和认识词义。
At the base of converted-state chart, building morphology table, designing a section of program for every status, in order to enable lexical analysis to recognize word from character string. 在状态转换图的基础上,构造词形表,为每个状态设计一段处理程序,使词法分析能从字符串中识别单词。
And describing logic framework and work process of LR ( 1) analyzer, explaining the kernel of analyzer, analyzing algorithm of table with instance, in order to enable syntax analysis to judge whether a group of word is a right sentence or not. 并描述了LR(1)分析器的逻辑结构和工作过程,并以实例说明分析器的核心&分析表的算法,使语法分析能判断一组单词是否为一合法句子。